An In-Country Program on "Competency-Based Curriculum Development" is being organized by Colombo Plan Staff college for Technician Education (CPSC) in collaboration with the Ministry of Higher Education, Employment and Social Security, Maldives through the Department of Higher Education and Training at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Male from 17-26 February 2008.
Inaugurating the program, Minister of Higher Education, Employment and Social Security, Maldives Hon Abdul Rasheed Hussain lauded the role of CPSC in improving the quality of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in the Maldives. He also thanked the CPSC for conducting this in country program on a highly relevant topic especially in the Maldives context. Honorable Minister said that TVET schools and colleges in Maldives are offering technical and vocational education and skill training. However, it is desirable that the training should be based on needs of the industry and the other world of work. He also expressed the hope that the Ministry of Higher Education, Employment and Social Security, Maldives will work more closely with CPSC in future for joint undertaking of programs, projects and activities for improvement of TVET system in the country.
Honorable Ahmed Ali Maniku, Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Employment and Social Security, Maldives was also present in the opening ceremony, which was also attended by Dr. Hassan Hamid, Rector, Maldives College of Higher Education and Ms. Visaam Ali, Director General, Department of Higher Education and Training, Maldives.
Speaking in the Inauguration ceremony Dr Shyamal Majumdar, Director General, CPSC gave an account of the challenges which the TVET sector is facing in the Asia Pacific Countries and need for the CPSC and the member countries to gear up for facing the challenges. He also emphasized that competency based training system aims at trying to make TVET much more relevant to meeting the needs of industry and user agencies. Training based on Competency based Curriculum (CBC) ensures that the person would possess both knowledge and skill of defined standard corresponding to relevant workplace requirement and reflects the realities of the workplace.
The program's main objective is to facilitate an in-depth understanding and development of skills on the various aspects of CBC amongst Officials form the Ministry of Higher Education, Employment and Social Security and from TVET institutions so that they can ensure that the training being imparted in the institutions is more relevant to the requirements of the industry and the world of work. The objectives of the training program are:
To explain the general concepts of competency-based curriculum
To impart skills amongst the participants for identification of competencies, development of standards and learning package
To formulate an assessment and evaluation procedure for a competency-based program
This program is utilizing both face-to-face and web-based teaching and learning delivery systems to impart the desired knowledge, skills and competencies to the participants. In addition there are Group tasks to encourage and inspire teamwork in the performance of assigned tasks. The program also has Industry/Institutions visits and project work.
The program is being attended by 19 senior officials from the Ministry of Higher Education, Employment and Social Security, Maldives and TVET institutions of Maldives.
Dr Suresh K. Dhameja, Faculty Consultant, CPSC is the Course Coordinator and Resource Person. He is being assisted by Ms. Mariyam Noordeen, Assistant Executive Director, Department of Higher Education and Training, Maldives as the local coordinator. Dr. A.R. Ariyaratne, CPSC Specialist is the Cyber Resource Person.