Saturday, 29 March 2008

Dealing with unpopular employees

Here’s a recent question from CNN Money:

One of my employees is pretty capable, but she lacks people skills. No one in the office likes dealing with her. Recently she called me at home at 9 P.M. on a Friday, crying and saying she was typing up her résumé because the entire staff was against her.

I listened, and then hinted that it wasn’t the time or place to discuss this. Now office tension is high. Can I tell this woman that, because she said she was updating her résumé, I assume she’s given notice?

That’s a good question but here’s an even better one: if that employee’s behavior is so bad and her social skills so atrocious, why hasn’t the manager reacted a long time ago? This is one of the most important things we have managers for - to make sure that counter-productive behavior in the workplaces is stopped.

I read an interesting quote the other day (though I’ve forgotten where) that said that any behavior by employees that is not stopped by management becomes de facto legal.

Bad behavior includes gossiping, badmouthing co-workers, constant negativity, unconstructive criticisms, bullying, not helping co-workers and not sharing information. If managers see this and do nothing - it’s now OK.

And it shouldn’t be!

One manager from a company I’ve worked with, took this responsibility seriously. One of his employees, a lady in her 50s who’s been with the company for many years, had become habitually negative.

She’d end most phone calls by slamming down the receiver and blurting “Idiot!” whether she’d been talking to a customer or a co-worker. She would criticize all suggestions and plans she was consulted on. Co-workers respected her knowledge and competence but didn’t dare ask her any questions because of her demeanor.

Finally the manager had a meeting with her. He explained exactly how he viewed her behavior and why it was making him and her co-workers unhappy at work. He then gave her the rest of the day off.

When she called in sick the next day, he was pretty sure he was going to lose that employee. She returned to work the day after and asked for a meeting with him. And this is when she amazed him.

She’d spent some time thinking about this and talking to her husband - and she’d come to agree that her behavior had become much too negative. The scary thing is that she hadn’t done any of this consciously - it had become a habit. One she now wanted to break.

She’s been working on it since and both the manager and her co-worker have noticed a marked shift in her behavior. So, by the way, has her husband.

This is exactly how managers should handle this type of situation. Employees who exhibit this type of bad behavior need attention and help to break out of it. If their behavior improves - excellent. Then it’s time to follow up and make sure the change is lasting. If it doesn’t help, then it’s time to fire that person.

Letting people stay in jobs where they don’t fit in, where they’re not happy and where they’re not pulling their weight is a mistake. Managers may think they’re doing them a favor… they’re not!

Remember, just one unhappy, unproductive employee can pull down the whole department. And what’s worse - this attitude is contagious. It spreads and infects others and if you’re not careful, you’ll end up with a hard-core little clique of dissatisfied, cynical employees who make everyone around them unhappy.

Your take

What do you think? Have you seen a manager take responsibility and address bad behavior in employees? Have you seen this behavior ignored and be allowed to spread?


Friday, 28 March 2008

IMHI Post Graduate Degrees ranked N° 1, 6th year in a row

The MBA in International Hospitality Management, offered by the Institut de Management Hôtelier International (IMHI), has been ranked Number 1 among Hotel and Tourism Post Graduate degrees in France.

The ranking was established by SMBG, a consultancy specialised in higher education. SMBG based their ranking on interviews with both graduates and recruiters. The results are validated by a Committee which includes a representative from the French ministry with special responsibility for research.

Three key criteria are retained for the ranking: recognition of the programme, salary on graduation, and satisfaction of the graduates.

Created twenty-seven years ago as a joint venture with Cornell University, IMHI is now independent of Cornell and launched last September a new 'MBA in International Hospitality Management' exclusively under the ESSEC name. With a program that has strong international content, less centred on North America, ESSEC aims to reinforce its position as a European leader in this sector.

ESSEC Business School has trained business leaders since 1907. As one of France's premier institutions, a grande école in the French educational system, ESSEC is esteemed for its highly selective admissions, wide range of quality business programs, innovation in business expertise and practices, vast alumni network, strong relationships with companies and the high quality and international scope of its faculty. ESSEC MBAs are accredited by AACSB and EQUIS.


Colombo Plan, University Saints Malaysia Scholarship Program 2008

Course: Masters of Social Science.
Country: Malaysia.
Application deadline: 3rd April 2008, 14:00hrs

Thursday, 27 March 2008


Azhar Scholarships 2008-2009

Level: Bachelors Degree.
No of positions: 24
Country: Egypt.
Field: To be determined by candidate.
Application deadline: 1st April 2008, 14:00hrs.

Azhar Scholarships Information Sheet 2008-2009
Azhar Scholarships Application 2008-2009


Department of Higher Education & Training have announced for 8 scholarship positions, ranging from Master degree level to diploma level. Fields include Mass media & communication, Sports management & administration, Strategic management and many more. For details click the image below.

Wednesday, 26 March 2008


Scheme: The United Nations /Italy Long Term Fellowship Programme on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and Related Applications.

Course: Masters in Navigational and Related Applications.(MNA)

Application forms available from DHET.

Application deadline: 3 April 2008, 14:00hrs

Dharmasiswa Scholarship 2008 - 2009, Indonesia.

Details of this scholarship scheme is availabe from Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET). Application deadline is 30thMarch 2008.


Master of Science in Planning - 01 position
Master of Science in Housing- 01 position

Country: Malaysia
Application forms available from DHET (8:30 - 14:00hrs)
Application deadline: 6th April 2880, 14:00hrs


Msc Scholarship Program in Science and Technology for IDB least developed member countries 2008-2009

Areas: Science, Engineering, Technology, Medical Science, Stetistics (Applied stetistics, Demography, Operational Reserch, Economics.)

Level: Master Degree.
Application forms are available from DHET (8:30 - 14:00hrs)
Application deadline: 7th April 2008, 14:00hrs
More information: Tel: 334 7422 / 334 7405

Google - the best place to work for

Top 10 Reasons to Work at Google

1.Lend a helping hand. With millions of visitors every month, Google has become an essential part of everyday life - like a good friend - connecting people with the information they need to live great lives.

2.Life is beautiful. Being a part of something that matters and working on products in which you can believe is remarkably fulfilling.

3.Appreciation is the best motivation, so we've created a fun and inspiring workspace you'll be glad to be a part of, including on-site doctor and dentist; massage and yoga; professional development opportunities; on-site day care; shoreline running trails; and plenty of snacks to get you through the day.

4.Work and play are not mutually exclusive. It is possible to code and pass the puck at the same time.

5.We love our employees, and we want them to know it. Google offers a variety of benefits, including a choice of medical programs, company-matched 401(k), stock options, maternity and paternity leave, and much more.

6.Innovation is our bloodline. Even the best technology can be improved. We see endless opportunity to create even more relevant, more useful, and faster products for our users. Google is the technology leader in organizing the world’s information.

7.Good company everywhere you look. Googlers range from former neurosurgeons, CEOs, and U.S. puzzle champions to alligator wrestlers and former-Marines. No matter what their backgrounds Googlers make for interesting cube mates.

8.Uniting the world, one user at a time. People in every country and every language use our products. As such we think, act, and work globally - just our little contribution to making the world a better place.

9.Boldly go where no one has gone before. There are hundreds of challenges yet to solve. Your creative ideas matter here and are worth exploring. You'll have the opportunity to develop innovative new products that millions of people will find useful.

10. There is such a thing as a free lunch after all. In fact we have them every day: healthy, yummy, and made with love.

Monday, 24 March 2008

Bids opened to determine contractor of 2nd girl’s secondary school

Ministry of Education has revealed that the bid opening ceremony to determine the contractor of second all girls secondary school to be constructed in Male’ under the General Aid Scheme of the Japanese Government was held in Japan on 10 of March 2008.
According to Education Ministry the bid was won by Wakachichu Construction Company of Japan. The consultants of the project are to be Mori Architects and Associates Inc. of Japan.
The second all girls secondary school is to be constructed where former Thaajuhdheen School was located. According to Education Ministry it is the block no 398 and has an area of 38050 square feet. The project is to commence next month.
According to Education Ministry the contract price of the project is 607,300,000 Japanese Yen or Rf 73,665,490. Ministry informs as per the contract the construction is required to be completed in one year.
Ministry informs that when the school is completed it will have all the modern facilities required for a school like science lab, library, audio visual room, computer rooms, art room, multi purpose room, activities room, staff room, assembly hall, staff room and toilets.

100 schools to get broadband internet service

Ministry of Education has revealed that by the end of the year 2008, 100 schools will be provided with broadband internet service.
Speaking to Miadhu Daily, Director General of Ministry of Education Mohamed Saeed said that 100 schools will be provided with broadband internet service by the end of the year under the Teacher Resource Centers (TRC) established in 20 atolls under the joint collaboration of UNICEF and Ministry of Education.
“It is a project we collaborate with UNICEF, 20 TRC have established in the atolls, under the project we will provide internet service to 100 schools by the end of the year, work is going on a very fast pace” said Saaid.
When asked on the standards of school chosen for the internet service Saeed replied that schools has not been chosen as yet and as the service provider is Dhiraagu , Ministry will hold necessary consultations with Dhiraagu later.
Saeed further said priority will be given to schools in atolls where TRCs are not established. “As the service provider is Dhiraagu they will inform us which islands they can provide the service, we have not yet decided on the schools” said Saeed.

Friday, 21 March 2008


Pastry & Bakery Course at Bandos Island Resort & Spa
(Food Preparation) Course NC2 (National Competence Standard Level 2)

This course is endorsed and co-funded by the Ministry of Higher Education. Employment and Social Security under Project MLD 2028 and co-sponsored by Bandos Island Resort & Spa. This course is conducted as a Competency Based Education and Training program assessed and certified by the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Unit of MHEESS. Students are assessed and endorsed weekly on modules completed. During the 18-week duration or the course students get to stay and work at Bandos where all staff services are extended. Being a resort in operation students will have optional opportunities to learn with other programs conducted here.

What's Included?
  • Instruction and guidance from expert trainers
  • Small class room workgroups
  • Specialized manual and course materials
  • Recognized certificate of completion

How to Apply?
  • Download Application form. Click here.
  • Fill and fax the application form to 6643877
  • Applications must be received on or before March 25. 2008

Key Features and Benefits:
  • No service bond or further obligation
  • Comprehensive learning methodologies used.
  • Live, work, learn and play in a popular resort life, Job skills and much more.
  • Trainees receive an allowance of MRF 2000 per month plus food and accommodation.
  • Only normal entry requirement: Grade 10 or equivalent, experience considered.
  • TVET Certification from the Ministry of Higher Education Employment & Social Security (MHEESS) under the Employment Skills Training Project (ESTP) is recognized in the Maldives and will soon be internationally recognized.
  • Trainees shall be offered choice of lucrative job opportunities.

What's the duration?
  • Start Date: April 1, 2008
  • End Date: July 31, 2008


SAARC Chairs fellowship & scholarship scheme, India

Scheme: SAARC Chairs fellowship & scholarship scheme, India
Country: India
Course: 1 Fellowship, 1 Chair (Research and Lecture)
Aria: To be determined by candidates
Application dedline: 14:00hrs, 26th March 2008
More information from DHET: 3347405, 3347408

Click here to download more information


Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Program 2008

Course: Master of Science in International Cooperation
Level: Masters Degree
Country: Japan
Application form avaialble from: DHET
Application deadline: 25th March 2008
More information from DHET: 3347422
University website:


Chinese Government Scholarship in Chinese Language. 2008/2009

Course: Chinese Language
Level: Certificate
Number of positions: 02
Application deadline: 14:00hrs, 26th March 2008
More Information from DHET: Tel 3347408, 3347405.

Thursday, 20 March 2008


ITEC - TCS Colombo Plan

Water Resource Management.
Irrigation Water Management.

Level: Postgraduate Diploma / Master of Technology (Masters)

Application deadline: 14:00hrs, 24th March 2008

Download Prospectus.

NFHE Loan Scheme & Scholarships 2008

Department of Higher Education and Training have announced the results of National Fund for Higher Education & Training. Click the links below for results.

NFHE Loan Scheme 2008 - Selection

NFHE Scholarships 2008 - Selection
NFHET 2007 Scholarships - Human Rights Law - Selection
NFHET 2007 Scholarships - Videography - Selection

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

List not revealed due no committee meeting - Ministry

Ministry of Higher Education Employment and Social Security has revealed that due to lack of quorum of the committee, ministry is unable to reveal that names of selected candidates.

Visam Ali Director General at the Ministry speaking to Miadhu Daily said the names of candidates selected for scholarships under National Fund has not been revealed as scheduled as the Ministry is unable to convene a meeting of the committee due to lack of quorum. However Visam pointed out the names will be revealed sometime this week or early next week.

“The meeting of the committee was cancelled due to lack of quorum that is why the names have not been made public” said Visam.

A student who wishes to remain anonymous told Miadhu Daily that the delay indicates the irresponsibility of concerned officials of the Ministry and that this happens every year.
“It has nearly 3 months now and still they are unable come out with the list, this happens every year” said the student.

Vissam speaking to Miadhu Daily on the 5 of this month said that a total 555 people applied for loans under the Loan Scheme of the National Fund and that the ministry would be able to reveal the successful candidates later in the week.

Director General revealed that when the deadline to apply for 75 scholarships expired on the 26 of December last year 555 people applied for loans under the scheme.

According to the Ministry four areas were considered in the selection process. They are students with exemplary academic records, students who have obtained scholarships where tuition fees are waived, students currently studying, and for those who wish continue further training on specialized fields.

The National Fund established to provide assistance to students seeking higher education will give priority to areas where government gives priority and for technical and vocational training.

Related news: Ministry to reveal successful candidates names next week

Sunday, 16 March 2008

Youths of Ha atoll are being introduced to tourism sector

With the introduction of tourism to Ha atoll, youths of the atoll are being introduced to trades of the industry.

Ali Shaukath Reservation Executive of Cinnamon Island Resort established at Alidhoo of Ha Atoll speaking to Miadhu Daily said that as part of the effort to get the youths of the atoll introduced to tourism sector, opportunity has been opened to join hotel school for youths interested in doing so.

He said the resort looking for youths to join an introductory program on tourism. In this regard a team from the resort has visited Dhihdhoo and Kelaa last Friday. He also said 20 youths from the island of Utheemu visited the resort yesterday. He said many young people from these islands were briefed on the carrier opportunities available in the tourism sector and also were given information on the hotel school.

Shaukath further said that course was mainly aimed at islands of Ha atoll but that youths from other atolls would also be welcome. He said priority will be given to youth of nearby islands as accommodation facility is not available in the resort. He said transport to and from the resort has been arranged.

Shaukath also said in choosing students, priority will be given to youths who failed O level examinations and that these students have a bright future with the resort.

Shaukath further said the course will have duration of 3 months and will be conducted by a Sri Lankan expert. He also said following completion of the course more than 75% of the students will be offered jobs in that resort or will be provided jobs in the company.

Cinnamon Island Resort is resort managed by John Keels Company. According to reports there are 3 resorts operational in Ha Atoll.

Villa Foundation signs MOU with Curtin Sarawak

Curtin University of Technology, Sarawak has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Villa Foundation.

MOU is part of the Foundation’s continuous commitment to the provision of educational, vocational and technical scholarships for Maldivian students.

According to a media release by Curtin University, under the MOU the University will be offering one full postgraduate (PhD) scholarship to be named the Curtin-Villa Foundation Scholarship Award.

Curtin Villa Foundation Scholarship Award provides additional opportunities for Maldivians to explore learning in a unique Australian university campus in Borneo. Curtin Sarawak will be added into the Villa Foundation’s list of institutions and the University will benefit through the presence of Maldivian students on its international campus say the media release.

Media Release informs that Curtin Sarawak is currently home to 12 Maldivian students studying in the field of Engineering, Business, Media and English. To date the University has seen 4 Maldivian students graduating and returning to work in their home country.

Curtin University of Technology, Sarawak Malaysia offers undergraduate courses in Business, Engineering & Science, and Mass Communications with options of other programs such as Diploma courses in Business and Plant Process Technology, the Intensive English Program and the undergraduate preparatory Foundation year courses in Business, Engineering and Media say the media release.

Curtin Sarawak provides a student with a wholesome university learning environment that does not only emphasis academic excellence but is also committed to character building and grooming graduates who are prepared to take on the challenges of the working world.

Saturday, 15 March 2008

Malaysia number 1 destination for education - Hameed

Villa Foundation has said that Malaysia is the number one destination or the best destination to pursue higher education.

Executive Director of Villa Foundation Mohamed Hameed speaking to Miadhu Daily said the Villa Foundation decided to arrange exhibition with universities of Malaysia as Malaysia was the number one destination to pursue higher education.

“Malaysia is the education number one destination that is main reason why Villa Foundation arranged this exhibition” said Hameed.

The exhibition held at Qyaasuhdheen School was inaugurated by Minister of Construction and Public Infrastructure Mauroof Jameel.

According to Hameed the exhibition is aimed at those who have finished school wishing to pursue higher education. The exhibition will be held from 15 to 16 of March from 1600 hours to 2230 hours.

Hameed revealed that this was the 7 exhibition the Foundation held and that considering that it was the first day of the exhibition substantial support was received.

“So far it has been very good, the officials have been very busy, no time even for short break, most of the students are always on the watch out for these exhibitions” said Hameed.

The exhibition is participated by 5 universities of Malaysia, 5 university colleges, 5 colleges and Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia.

Al buharee Foundation Scholarships, Malaysia, 2008

Department of Higher Education & Training (DHET) have announced for 5 undergraduate scholarships under Al buharee Foundation Scholarships to study in Malaysia. The field of study can be Law, Business Management, Accountancy, Economics, Information & Communication Technology, Engineering, Architecture and Environment Design, Applied Science.

Deadline for application is 14:00hrs, 19th March 2008.

University Education Fair 2008 to commence today

University Education Fair 2008 organized by Global Network will commence today. The fair will be open to public on 14 to 15 March from 1700 hours to 2300 hours at Dharubaaruge.

Global Network revealed that the objective of the fair is to assist those interested in seeking higher education by providing information on suitable colleges and universities as well as to assist the students to choose areas of study.

According to Global Network the fair is aimed at students who sat O level examinations last year as well as organizations wishing to advance human resources in their company.
Global Network informs that fair is being supported by Department of Higher Education and High Commission of India.

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Life Expectancy Tied to Education

(HealthDay News)

Life expectancy in the United States is on the increase, but only among people with more than 12 years of education, a new study finds.

In fact, those with more than 12 years of education -- more than a high school diploma -- can expect to live to 82; for those with 12 or fewer years of education, life expectancy is 75.

"If you look in recent decades, you will find that life expectancy has been increasing, which is good, but when you split this out by better-educated groups, the life expectancy gained is really occurring much more so in the better-educated groups," said lead researcher Ellen R. Meara, an assistant professor of health care policy at Harvard Medical School.

"The puzzle is why we have been successful in extending life span for some groups. Why haven't we been successful in getting that for less advantaged groups?" Meara said.

The answer may lie with tobacco, the study found.

About one-fifth of the difference in mortality between well-educated and less-educated groups can be accounted for by smoking-related diseases such as lung cancer and emphysema, Meara said.

But the disparity in life expectancy is not only a function of education, Meara said. "Those with less education are likely to have lower income. They're likely to live in areas that have their own health threats, either through crime or poor housing conditions. In addition, they may have worse access to health insurance coverage and health services," she said.

The study was published in the March/April issue of Health Affairs.

For the study, Meara's team collected data on people who took part in the National Longitudinal Mortality Study. The researchers used death certificates, plus estimates from Census data, to create two datasets -- one covering 1981 to 1988 and the other from 1990 to 2000.

The researchers found that in both datasets, life expectancy rose but only for people with more than 12 years of education. For those with 12 years of education or less, life expectancy remained flat through the periods.

When the researchers compared data from the 1980s to data from the 1990s, people with more education had almost a year and half of increased life expectancy. But, for people with less education, life expectancy increased by only six months.

In the period of 1990 to 2000, the better educated saw their life expectancy increase by 1.6 years. For the less educated, life expectancy didn't increase in all.

When the researchers looked at gender differences, they found that less-educated women actually had a decline in life expectancy. In 2000, those women with more than 12 years of education by age 25 could expect to live five years longer than less-educated women, the study found.

The challenge, Meara said, is to figure out ways to extend life expectancy of all groups in U.S society. "We need to get a better understanding of how we can extend these great things we're learning about how to lead healthier lives into these groups," she said.

Dr. David L. Katz, director of the Yale University School of Medicine's Prevention Research Center, thinks fighting poverty and improving education are key to increasing life expectancy among less-advantaged Americans.

"Disparities in health are a major challenge in the United States," he said. "The less affluent and less educated are also, invariably, less healthy."

Initiatives that target health disparities are always welcome, but they may not go far enough if they don't relieve underlying discrepancies in educational or economic status, Katz said.

"Despite efforts throughout the 1980s and 1990s to reduce the disproportionate mortality and morbidity burden experienced by ethnic minorities and the socio-economically disadvantaged, those burdens have persisted," Katz said. "And the gap in life expectancy between the more educated and the less has actually widened."

The take-home message is to redouble efforts to eliminate health disparities, Katz said. "Health is not a product of health care per se, but of one's life course and opportunities. Poverty and limited education are enemies to both opportunity and health. Public health efforts must strive against them as earnestly as against the diseases they drag in their wake."

In another report in the same journal issue, Rachel Kimbro, a sociology professor at Rice University, and colleagues found that immigrants with low levels of education fared better in health outcomes compared with native-born Americans, regardless of race or ethnicity.

The researchers said these differences should be taken into account when targeting programs to reach specific groups of people.

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Malaysian University Education Fair to be held

Villa Foundation has revealed that preparations are presently underway to conduct a Malaysian University education exhibition in Male’. The exhibition is to take place at Ghiyaasudheen School on coming Friday and Saturday.

According to the Assistant Director of Villa Foundation Mariyam Nashwa, the fair is planned to be held from 4 in the evening to10:30 in the evening.

She said that the fair will provide the opportunity for students seeking higher education in Malaysian universities. She also reported that 17 universities will be participating in this year’s exhibition.

In previous years also exhibitions of similar nature was conducted and attracted many students. Therefore, it is expected that there will be a huge turn-over for this year’s exhibition.

Many Maldivian students go to Malaysia to obtain their degrees and have become one of the most favourite destinations in the region.

Monday, 10 March 2008

FET Staff Development Scholarships

Department of Higher Education and Training have announced 3 scholarships under the staff development scheme of Faculty of Engineering Technology. These scholarships include 1 Diploma course in refrigeration & air-conditioning, 1 Master Degree in Civil Engineering, 1 Master Degree in Architecture.

Application forms are available from DHET. Deadline for application is 14:00hrs, 18th March 2008.

ITEC Scheme scholarship, India

Department of Higher Education and Training have announced a scholarship on Executive Post Graduate Diploma in Management which will be conducted at International Management Institute, India. Application deadline is 14:00hrs, 16th March 2008.

About ITEC (Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation)
Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation programme popularly known as "ITEC" was launched in 1964 as a bilateral programme of assistance of the Government of India.

Under ITEC and its corollary SCAAP (Special Commonwealth Assistance for Africa Programme) 156 countries in Asia, East Europe, Central Asia, Africa and Latin America are invited to share in the Indian Developmental experience acquired over five decades of India’s existence as a free Nation.

ITEC is about cooperation and partnership for mutual benefit. It is response oriented and it addresses the needs of developing countries. Click here to read more

About International Management Institute (IMI)
IMI follows international standard curricula in its programs, which has been enriched by its academic collaborations with International Institute for Management Development (IIMD), Lausane (erstwhile International Management Institute, Geneva); Faculty of Management, McGill University, Montreal, and Manchester Business School, U.K, prepares participants to successfully manage and lead in an increasingly global business environment. IMI’s educational programs have been recognized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India. Click here to read more

Friday, 7 March 2008

Ministry to reveal successful candidates names next week

Ministry of Higher Education has revealed that they would be able reveal the names of the successful candidates selected for the loan scheme of the National Fund some time next week.

Director General of Ministry of Higher Education Employment and Social Security speaking to Miadhu Daily said that a total 555 people applied for loans under the Loan Scheme of the National Fund and that the ministry would be able to reveal the successful candidates.

Director General revealed that while the deadline to apply for 75 scholarships expired on the 26 of December last year 555 people have applied for loans under the loan scheme.

When choosing candidates for the loan scheme priority is given to main areas. The areas are students with excellent academic qualifications, those who get scholarships where the tuition fees are waived, students who are continuing their studies and vocational training.

The National Fund established to provide assistance to students seeking higher education will give priority to areas where government gives priority and for technical and vocational training.

5000 drug addicts in Maldives - Minister

Aishath Mohamed Didi Minister of Gender and Family has revealed that the current number of drug addicts in the country is somewhere between 3000 to 5000. She said that this was indicated in rapid assessment survey conducted with the help of Fashan Jamuiyaa and UNDP.

Speaking at the Majlis session held last Wednesday Gender Minister Aishath Mohamed Didi, in response to a question asked by MP for Male’ Ibrahim Ismail said the figure may not be accurate. She said this was due to the fact many of the families of the addicts as well as other people are very reluctant to reveal accurate information. Minister Aishath said that last year 252 addicts were rehabilitated with the society following treatment, 617 remained under treatment by the end of the year.

Minister further revealed that in the light of the information received from Department of Penitentiary in year 2007, 137 people were jailed for drug offences and 46 were jailed for repeated drug offences. She further said 160 people are under arrest for drug offences and 23 who have been sentenced in absentia are on the loose and needs to be arrested.

“In 2007, 641 people were jailed for various offences out of which 85 are due to drug offences” Minister Aishath revealed.

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

President gives away this year’s National Youth Awards

President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom yesterday gave away this year’s Youth National Awards. The President gave away the awards at the official meeting held to mark this year’s Youth Day in Dhangethi.
Eleven individuals received the Youth National Award this year. There are Aishath Nazima of H.Chooru , Fathimath Zaeema of Muriguge / L. Fonadhoo , Moosa Niyaz of Athireege / R. Alifushi, Abdulla Rifau of M. Waving Light , Ahmed Faiz of Hithahfinivaage / Adh Mahibadhoo , Ali Shaheem of Asurumaage of Adh Mahibadhoo , Imadh Mohamed of Jaymugasdhoshuge / Gdh Hoadehdhoo, Adhunan Abdul Rahman of Gulisthaanuge / V. Velidhoo , Riyath Abdul Majeed of M. Merry Weather, Ahmed Shiraaj of M. Alividhuvaru and Ali Farish of M Haveereefini.
Shaheed Javaad Umar Award presented to Mohamed Sobah of G. Finolhu. Villingili Youth and Sports Association, Jamiyathul Solah of Lh. Naifaru and Naifaru Juvenile of Lh. Naifaru were awarded the Youth Society National Award.
The National Youth Awards was inaugurated in the year 1999 to recognize and welcome the achievements and success of the individuals who selflessly work for the general good of the community and to encourage them to continue their efforts. The award encourages the youth to work for the development of the country, and to demonstrate that they are responsible people with good qualities making them an asset to the society.
Shaheed Jawaad Umar Memorial Award is rewarded to the youth of outstanding heroic achievements. It is a very unique and special award, and encourages the youth towards noble deeds, which works for the betterment of the society as a whole.

President announces a new youth program

President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom yesterday announced a new program aimed for the youth, titled “Second Chance”. Speaking at the ceremony held in South Ari Atoll Dhangethi to present the youth’s National Award, President Gayoom said that the aim of this program was to give second chances to those deprived of opportunities and services, and to allow them to adapt to the society and become innovative citizens.
President Gayoom began his speech by expressing condolences to the bereaved families of the five youths who died in an incident which occurred in Male’ late last night. A moment of silence was observed in remembrance of these youths.
In his speech, President highlighted the work done by the Government to provide different services for the youths living in all regions of Maldives. He said that work to build Youth Centers in three different atolls would begin this year. President Gayoom noted that the people of Dhangethi were very hard working and praised their excellent social ties. The youth’s National Awards, Shaheed Javaad Umar Award and the Youth Societies’ National Awards were presented to the respective winners by the President. Eleven individuals received the Youth National Award this year.
President Gayoom congratulated all the recipients of the awards. The people of Dhangethi presented an honorary plaque to the President at the ceremony. The Island Chief, Ali Waheed Aboobakuru handed the plaque to the President on behalf of the people of Dhangethi. Gasim Ibrahim, Ahmed Thasmeen Ali, Mohamed Wahiduddin and Mohamed Mauroof Jameel also received honorary plaques from the people of Dhangethi. Speaking at the ceremony, the Minister of Youth and Sports said that the theme for this years’ Youth Day, “Youth for Youth’s Development” signified the importance of the honesty and integrity within the youth community. He said that the main objective was for the youth to become responsible individuals. The vote of thanks was delivered by the South Ari Atoll Chief, Abdulla Jameel. At the end of the ceremony, the members of the Youth Expedition presented their song and their motto to the President.
President and the First Lady were greeted upon their arrival in Dhangethi this morning by chief officials of the Atoll, the Minister of Youth and Sports Mohamed Waheeduddin, guests attending the ceremony, officials of the island and members of the general public. The students of Dhangethi School presented a welcome song.

Five reasons to forget about money and focus on what makes you happy at work

The constant hunt for more money, eternally chasing the next raise, measuring yourself against the number on your pay check is no way to run a career, and no way to live a work life.
Using money as your yardstick is seductive because it’s one of the few objective measures of progress in a career. If you made 100,000 last year and 150,000 this year you must be doing better, right? Wrong. Your salary, no matter how large, can never make you happy at work. Sacrificing happiness at work for more money is a terrible trade - one that you will end up regretting.
Here’s five reasons why.

1: More money does not make you happier
Most people think that having a higher income would make them happier. They’re wrong!
That is the conclusion of a study by Two Princeton professors, economist Alan B. Krueger and psychologist and Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman, who say that: The belief that high income is associated with good mood is widespread but mostly illusory. People with above-average income are relatively satisfied with their lives but are barely happier than others in moment-to-moment experience, tend to be more tense, and do not spend more time in particularly enjoyable activities.

The problem is that people still act on their mistaken belief that making more money makes them happier:
Despite the weak relationship between income and global life satisfaction or experienced happiness, many people are highly motivated to increase their income. In some cases, this focusing illusion may lead to a misallocation of time, from accepting lengthy commutes (which are among the worst moments of the day) to sacrificing time spent socializing (which are among the best moments of the day).

Which is just a fancy way of saying that you may think that switching jobs to get a 25% raise in return for a 2-hour commute or a 70-hour work week or ten days a month of business travel is a good deal. You’re wrong. You’d be happier with a lower salary, a more fun job and more time with your friends and family.

2: Always thinking of money is bad for you
“Money pushes people into a state where they become focused on achieving their own goals without help of others,” says researcher Kathleen Vohs, assistant marketing professor at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota.

They performed a series of experiments where subjects were asked to solve a difficult puzzle and told they could ask for help. Some of the subjects were subliminally primed to think of money, eg. by placing a pile of monopoly money in their field of vision or by giving them a warm-up exercise where they had to de-scramble sentences related to money.

The experiment showed that thinking of money had a significant, negative effect on the subjects:
· They became less likely to ask for help
· They became more reluctant to help others
· They became less generous
· They isolated themselves more from others
So if your success depends on you working well with others, on being able to help others and ask for help, thinking of money (even in a subtle and subconscious way) makes you less effective. On the other hand, if your success depends on you being selfish and isolated - go right ahead, make money your only goal :o)

One group of people who are particularly at risk are those who think that “time is money”. Bob Sutton, author of the excellent book The No Asshole Rule, has a great post on how the billable hour affects people. This constant focus on money even means that “lawyers watching their kids play soccer admitted to mentally ticking away lost income for each minute they stood on the sidelines.‿ Ouch.

3: The actual amount doesn’t matter - fairness does
Try this experiment: Get a bunch of Capuchin monkeys, and train them to give you a small, polished granite rock in exchange for a slice of cucumber. Capuchins are pretty clever, and soon the monkeys learn that when they hand over the rock, they get their treat.

Then try something new: Get two of these monkeys together, and give one of them a better treat. Capuchin monkeys like cucumber fine, but they like grapes even better because they’re sweeter. When one capuchin sees you paying another one in grapes, it refuses to cooperate, and will no longer hand over the rock in exchange for cucumber. “Listen, buster it seems to say, “you’re paying that guy in grapes and my work is at least as good. I want grapes too, or I’m going on strike.” In another experiment using brain-scanning equipment, this time on humans, researchers found a center in our brains that lights up whenever we believe we’re being treated unfairly. It seems that fairness is not just a nice ideal to strive for—we have a biological need to be treated fairly So we humans have a built-in desire for fairness that even seems to be present in other species close to us. If you feel that your salary is unfair, this will make you unhappy!

4: It’s not getting what you want - it’s wanting what you get
Stephen Shapiro, author of the excellent book Goal Free Living, writes about a German study that shows that what really matters is the gap between your current income and your desired income. When people wish for more money than they have, they tend to be unhappy.

There are of course two ways to close this gap, the traditional one being to make more money. The downside of this approach is, that very often, more isn’t enough and the more people have, the more they want.

The other approach is much more sustainable, and it is to want what you have. To realize that once your most basic needs are met, more money, a bigger house, a larger car and flat-screen TVs in every room will not make you any happier than you are today!
But being happy with what you have, will.

5: Your salary can make you unhappy - but not happy
Herzberg’s motivational theory divides motivational factors in two categories: Hygiene and motivational.
The hygiene factors can make us unhappy when they’re not present, but their presence can’t make us happy. The motivational factors can actually make us happy. Salary falls squarely in the “hygiene” category, meaning that getting paid well can remove dissatisfaction - but it can’t create satisfaction.
What to do instead: cultivate a healthy attitude towards money
I want to make this very clear: I’m not against money. I looooooove money. Money is fun. There is nothing wrong with making tons of it.
And I’m not saying you should ignore money completely and just accept whatever your workplace is willing to pay you.
I’m also not saying that you have to choose - that it can only ever be money or happiness. You can have both. But the way to get it is to cultivate a healthy attitude towards money. Which is this:
Your salary makes it possible for you to come to work. It’s not what motivates you or makes you happy. It’s a means, not an end.
An unfair salary has the power to make you unhappy - a fair one can’t make you happy.
Never sacrifice your happiness at work for money.
If you make all your career decisions based on money you will always be chasing the next, larger paycheck, never stopping to think if you like what you do in pursuit of that next raise.
If you instead decide based on what will make you happy at work, there’s a much bigger chance that you will be. You will probably also make more money.
You should make an effort to be paid what you’re worth - to get what is fair considering how much value you create and what other people in the company and in similar positions elsewhere are getting. Then forget about money and focus on enjoying your job.

And you know what: This is pretty hard. I’m doing well financially, and I still dream of all the great stuff more money could by me. It’s damn hard to let go of. But I know that the main reason I’m happy today is not that I make more money than before - it’s that I enjoy what I have and that I live squarely within my means.

THAT is true wealth, and I’m not exactly the first to say so (by a long shot):
“Contentment is natural wealth, luxury is artificial poverty‿- Socrates
“We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”- Frederic Koenig
“There is no end of craving. Hence contentment alone is the best way to happiness. Therefore, acquire contentment.- Swami Sivananda

And what about you? How important is your salary to you? What matters the most to you - money or happiness at work? How have you chosen in your career? Write a comment, I’d really like to know.

Sunday, 2 March 2008

Rules of management completed two years after the announcement of a university

Giving out the Presidential Address of the year 2008, His Excellency Maumoon had stated that the works on the completing of the rules and regulations of management of the university had been completed even though the Maldives College of Higher Education was not transformed to University as said in last year’ presidential address.

“Therefore, with the blessings of Al-mighty ALLAH, the university would be established in the Maldives this year!” stated the President.

Giving out the Presidential Address last year, President had announced that the works on the compiling of the rules of management was underway and the university would be established in a near future. However, the failure of the establishment even in more than a year is being very much highlighted by the men of politics.

President the announced the establishment of a university, when giving out the Presidential Address of the year 2006, on 23rd of February, by stating that the works were being carried out as the college would be transformed to a university since 2007 onwards.

My Island, My Life without drugs

A workshop has commenced in Addu Atoll named My Island My Life without drugs. The workshop is held jointly by National Narcotics Control Bureau, Youth Ministry and Maldives Customs. The workshop is aimed to seek out steps that may be implemented as immediate steps to prevent the spread of drug offences and illicit drugs use as well as steps that may be taken to solve the issues and problems that are faced by the community due to the actions of the drug offenders.

The workshop was inaugurated by Minister of State Principal Collector of Customs Ibrahim Rashaad. Speaking at the ceremony Principal Collector of Customs Rashaad said protecting the community from the clutches of drugs was a national responsibility and that each and every Maldivian citizen should work hand in hand to find a solution to this national concern.

The workshop was attended by members of Island Offices, various committees and associations of Addu Atoll.

Youth Day celebrations continue

Activities to celebrate this year’s Youth day at a national level commenced yesterday at Dhangethi of Ali Dhaalu Atoll. To inaugurate the celebrations a special prayer was performed yesterday morning at Dhagethi Friday Mosque. According to Ministry of Youth and Sports this special prayer was held in all inhabited islands of Maldives. The slogan for this year’s Youth day is “Youth on youth development”.

Among the activities held were a special fair aimed at informing the youths of job opportunities available. The fair which commenced yesterday 0900 hours continued till 1500 hours. The Fair was attended by various tourists’ resorts and some companies. Testing of diabetics and pressure was also conducted during at the fair.

The arrival of the Youth Ship was another important event. The Youth Ship was given rousing reception by the Dhangethi people. Youth Ship on arrival at Dhangethi was welcomed by Minister of Youth and Sports Mohamed Waheedhuhdheen, senior officials of the Ministry as well as by guests who were at Dhangethi to join in the Youth Day celebrations. After the welcome drinks, the participants of the Youth Ship went to the Cultural Center where they viewed various activities in being carried out in the traditional manner.

A special presentation was also held at the Youth Club of the island to provide information to the visitors who came to join in the celebrations on drug abuse and related problems. The presentation in addition to Youth Minister was also attended by officials of Maldives Narcotics Control Bureau.

A bokkura race was also held as well as a foot ball match between Hanyaameedhoo and Mahibadhoo.

The official meeting of the Youth Day will be held on the 3 of this month. According to Youth Ministry President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom is expected to attend. This is the first time Youth Day celebrations are held in Dhangethi.

Youth day celebrations begin

Activities to celebrate this year’s Youth day at National level will begin today in Alif Dhaal Dhangethi Island. A special prayer was performed this morning in all inhabited islands. The slogan for this year’s Youth day is “Youth on youth development”.

“Youth Ship” which traveled across the country on expedition tour will be arriving Alif Dhaal Dhangethi today. Youth Ministry informs that Youth Day programs would continue for the next three to four days. Further reports say that Youth centers in atolls in collaboration with youth associations in atolls would also be conducting various activities on the occasion.

It is reported that Youth Ministry has planned several events to make this event a colorful one. These events include a special ceremony where handing out the national youth awards would be held, the youth trip, sports and other various activities. All atolls will celebrate this day along with Dhangethi.

Youth Ministry also revealed that objective of the youth expedition was to instill the spirit of cooperation and responsibility among the youths of Maldives by visiting various islands and experiencing Maldivian culture as well as sharing common experiences. Further reports from the Youth Ministry say that Youth Ship unlike last year has stopped at 38 islands including capitals of atolls.

The official ceremony to award the national youth awards will be held on Monday night in Dhangethi Island. The island community has well prepared for the grand celebrations in the island.

Workshop on job opportunities held

Male’ Atoll Committee has reported that a workshop on enhancing job opportunities for youth was organized in Thulusdhoo Island. The objective of the workshop was to provide information of various job opportunities available in different sectors.

The workshop was organized by the Atoll Committee in association with senior management staff from the tourist resorts. Participants discussed on different job opportunities available in the resorts and career guidance was given to them by the facilitators.

Reports say that the workshop was attended by 22 participants, all youth from different islands of Male’ Atoll. This workshop coincides with the national youth day celebrations on March 1. This year’s official celebrations will take place in Alif Dhaal Dhangethi.

Training Resorts to be established in North and South of Maldives

Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation has revealed that 2 training resorts are to be established in north and south of Maldives in order to provide training to Maldivians wishing to take up a carrier in a tourism related fields.

The training resort to be established in north of Maldives will be set up Hdh Nolhivaraum says Tourism Ministry. Tourism Ministry also said Maldives Tourism Development Corporation (MTDC) will be assigned to establish the training resort sometime in March this year.

The training resort to be set up in the south will be established at Laamu Gasgadufinolhu and Laamu Bodufinolhu. The construction of the resort will be awarded to the highest bidder informs Tourism Ministry and that bids proposals will be invited some time next month.

Ministry says when the training resorts are established it will have a bed capacity of 150 to 200 and will have all the modern conveniences plus administrative offices, lecture rooms, classrooms and accommodation blocks for students and staff.

Additions points will be awarded to proposals which contain agreements from schools of international reputation to conduct training in these resorts say the Ministry.

Ministry also says during the first year diploma courses acceptable to Maldives Accreditation Board will be held and that during the third year degree courses will be held. Ministry also revealed that these resorts will take up training of foreign students as well.

Youth Expedition visits Eydhafushi

Youth Ministry has revealed that the ongoing Youth Expedition has visited Baa Atoll Eydhafushi. Members of the expedition were warmly received by the people of the Eydhafushi.

Moahmed Fazeel Director of the Youth Ministry said members of the expedition met with officials of associations and clubs established in Eydhafushi and obtained information regarding their work. Members of the expedition also toured the islands.

According to Fazeel the expedition visited reached Eydhafushi after stopping at Ugoofar and Alifushi. He also said that a special presentation on Raa Atoll was shown to members of the expedition.

According to information received, Youth Ship will next visit Maalos of Baa Atoll. Youth Ship commenced its journey from Huraa in Male’ Atoll. The expedition from Huraa went on to Felidhe Atoll. The Youth Ship is now traveling to northern islands.

The youth expedition program is being held under this year’s theme “Youth on youth development” says Youth Ministry. Youth Ministry also revealed that objective of the expedition is to instill the spirit of cooperation and responsibility among the youths of Maldives by visiting various islands and experiencing Maldivian culture as well as sharing common experiences.

Youth Ministry also revealed that Youth Ship unlike last year will stop at 38 islands including capitals of atolls.

According to Youth Ministry the expedition will end its journey on the 1 of March this year. Youth expedition is expected to end its journey in Dhagethee of Ari Atoll where the official youth day celebrations will be held.