Monday, 24 March 2008

Bids opened to determine contractor of 2nd girl’s secondary school

Ministry of Education has revealed that the bid opening ceremony to determine the contractor of second all girls secondary school to be constructed in Male’ under the General Aid Scheme of the Japanese Government was held in Japan on 10 of March 2008.
According to Education Ministry the bid was won by Wakachichu Construction Company of Japan. The consultants of the project are to be Mori Architects and Associates Inc. of Japan.
The second all girls secondary school is to be constructed where former Thaajuhdheen School was located. According to Education Ministry it is the block no 398 and has an area of 38050 square feet. The project is to commence next month.
According to Education Ministry the contract price of the project is 607,300,000 Japanese Yen or Rf 73,665,490. Ministry informs as per the contract the construction is required to be completed in one year.
Ministry informs that when the school is completed it will have all the modern facilities required for a school like science lab, library, audio visual room, computer rooms, art room, multi purpose room, activities room, staff room, assembly hall, staff room and toilets.